SIO 2 - BERLIN refracteria gris 0-0.02mm 12.5kg / წვის ტემპერატურა 1200-1300C

SKU: 8422830145034 ISBN: 8422830145034
110.00 GEL

SIO-2® Berlin Gray Stoneware High Fire Ceramic Clay Body, 27.6 lb

Grey stoneware clay with 40% impalpable grog 0-0.2 mm (up to 80 Mesh). Formulated for artistic ceramics, it is ideal for throwing and modelling smooth pieces with fine details. The high content of grog confers an excellent behaviour during drying and firing. Depending on the firing temperature, it develops an interesting range of greys, from cement to dark grey, which satisfies the most avant-garde trends in artistic ceramics. Suitable for tableware (food-safe), according to ISO 6486. Available in a convenient 4 lb size to accommodate smaller projects, or to test if this is the right clay for you.


Firing range: 2269-2381°F / Cone 6-10
Biscuit temperature: 1855°F / Cone 06
Water content: 17%
Plasticity (IP Atterberg): 16
Carbonate content (CaCO3): 0%
Drying shrinkage: 5.4%
Firing shrinkage at Cone 10: 4.6%
Porosity at Cone 10: 4.1%
Dry bending strength: 2.4 N/mm2
Fired bending strength at Cone 10: 26.2 N/mm2
Thermal coefficient (α25-500°C): 53.8x10-7°C-1

Storage: Protect ceramic clay bodies from direct sunlight, avoiding excessive temperature changes and protect from frost.

Use: Technical details are available with information on the characteristics of each product and its use. It is recommended to test clay body prior to large scale use in order to verify suitability in both the ceramic process (shaping, drying, firing and decoration) and the final application that is expected to be obtained.

Safety: All SIO-2® clay bodies are certified by the Art & Creative Materials Institute (ACMI) and conform to ASTM D-4236 safety guidelines.

From the manufacturer of SIO-2®:
Always in your hands

Founded in 1874, our company manufactures ceramic clay bodies for industry, pottery and artistic ceramics, and natural clay for crafts, fine arts and education.

Our target is to innovate, developing products made with natural clay which, in many applications, satisfy the high requirements of our customers. Our Quality System, certified according to ISO 9001:2008, is the setting for continuous improvement. Social responsibility, respect, and care for the Environment are two fundamental points in the philosophy of our firm.

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SIO 2 - BERLIN refracteria gris 0-0.02mm 12.5kg / წვის ტემპერატურა 1200-1300C
110.00 GEL