საიმიტაციო ფირფიტების წებო (წყლის ბაზაზე) MM Leafing Size 60mls

10.80 GEL
10.80 GEL
Checking local availability
SKU: MAXX0024 ISBN: 9328577014970

Mont Marte Leafing Size is a non toxic, water based gilding adhesive. The adhesive stays open where extended tack time is required, it dries to a translucent finish and cleans up in water.It can be used straight from the bottle with no dilution on porous and non porous surfaces, including: wood, plaster, glass, metal, leather and canvas. Proper tack will develop in 25mins at normal humidity and it will stay open for 24hrs.

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Fixed rate: 5 GEL to any address in Tbilisi.